5 Ways That I Mentally Prepare for a Natural Birth

Getting ready for the arrival of a new baby involves many important steps. You have to make sure you have all the necessary supplies – diapers, wipes, newborn onesies, an infant car seat and so on. You have to make sure you have everything ready for the hospital, that the bag is packed and you are fully stocked on gauze undies and barge-sized pads. You also need to ensure that your pets and/or other children will be taken care of when things get going.

These are all the physical, practical steps to getting ready – the “tick off the list” items. But there is another important step that is not physical, but is, for me at least, oh so important. Getting ready for the delivery.

I am currently awaiting the arrival of my 2nd baby and trying to get my mind ready for the birth.

The birth of my first baby, my little girl, Maya, went ideally. I was blessed to have a smooth birth in which I was entirely in control. Although it was my first, I was totally prepared – Derek and I took an amazing birthing class (something I totally recommend to new moms and dads BTW) and I used my knowledge of yoga and my yoga practice to develop my own coping tools.

I labored at home for about 15 hours, getting to the hospital albeit a tad late, at 7cm. Fortunately, or perhaps not so fortunately, my labor continued for a further 4 hours and I was able to give birth in the water tub just as I had imagined.

Derek supporting me during a contraction before I got into the tub

Why I feel less prepared the 2nd time around

This time around, it feels a little different for a couple of reasons.

  1. With a toddler at home, I haven’t had the time to prepare as much as I did last time. My yoga practice has sadly, and hopefully only temporarily, disappeared, and yoga was a huge part of my mental centering and grounding last time.
  2. I also now come to the birth with the knowledge of the last birth. This may seem like a good thing, and in some ways it is, but more so it has armed me with a bit of anxiety. I know full well what my body is going to have to do. I think the phrase “ignorance is bliss” was concocted around first time births. Ha.

With these reasons in mind, it is vital for me dedicate a bit of time to regaining the control and get myself mentally ready to deliver.

Anything can happen…

I must point out at this stage that I am no medical or birthing expert. I am simply a mom who is trying to capture the skills and strength I know I have in order to rock my birth.

I also completely understand that any birth plan, including my own, can change and that it is important to remain flexible and adaptable. Furthermore, and just as important, by writing my thoughts down, I am in no way criticizing any mother who chooses a different path. We all just want our precious blessing to arrive safely.

But should things progress smoothly, from a medical perspective, I would like to be able to draw on the mental strength I have worked on in order to power through the toughest moments of natural childbirth.

With that said, I thought I would share with you how I get my mind in shape for the challenge of an unmedicated natural birth.

I love this pic

So, here it is…the 5 ways I mentally prepare for a natural birth.

  1. Think “down and out”

For a natural birth to happen, there is only one direction…down and out. With each contraction, that is the direction I am peacefully encouraging my baby to go. Even as you sit and read this, imagine that feeling. Take a deep breath in and, with a big exhale, imagine where you are guiding your baby. Do you feel the “down” sensation? Do you feel your jaw relax, your pelvis relax, and your body almost give in to the direction? What you may also find, as I did, is that with this down and out encouragement comes the urge to let out a deep groan. Just go with it. I can’t tell you how much noise I made when delivering Maya.

  1. My body knows what to do

Whatever your body throws at you, whatever sensation, no matter how intense, is exactly what your body needs in order to guide your baby into the world. A woman’s body is a miracle. We were designed to do this, ladies, and we should feel empowered by that thought. Our body will not give us anything that is not necessary to birth our baby. And so, with that knowledge, let the contractions come. Bring it on! Embrace the pain, the pressure and everything else that comes with this privilege. Trust that your body knows exactly what to do and is not being given anything it cannot handle.

  1. Only I can bring this baby into the world

This goes hand in hand with number 2. Along with the fact that our bodies know exactly what to do, find strength in the fact that you, and only you, can bring this baby into the world. You are given everything you need to do it.

  1. I am not hurt

Labor is in no way easy. It is also undoubtedly painful. There is no way around this if you are hoping for an un-medicated birth. The important thing to remember, however, is that the pain being felt is not from being hurt. This is life bringing pain; miraculous pain. So, as the overwhelming sensations of a contraction come, remind yourself that this is not dangerous, you are not hurt. You are doing something extraordinary and full of love.

  1. I am an elephant

For me, there is something incredibly primal about giving birth. Going through it made me feel connected to Mother Earth – to all other female mammals on the planet. I drew immense strength and calm from this. I felt an intimate bond with the female power and spirit.

I have always connected with elephants. To me they represent enormous female strength and age-old wisdom. So, as I worked through my own contractions, I visualized the magnificent and beautiful elephant mother guiding her own baby through the birth canal, just as I was. Like her, I too am fully capable of and strong enough to birth my baby.

It may be a different mammal for you, but find your animal strength – feel the energy that countless mothers have left behind for us to draw on.

My first Maya cuddles

So, there it is – 5 ways that I draw strength and prepare myself for the birth of my baby.

Like I said before, I know that things can change and I am happy to accept a new path, should it be necessary. But no matter how my birth goes, I know that I did what no one else could do – I brought my baby safely into the world.

I would love to hear your own birthing stories or thoughts. The mom community is exceptionally special.

Sending love to all of my fellow moms out there xxx


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