What is wholistic wellness?

About this blog

This blog is a resource of information connected to overall health and wellness. It offers opinion pieces as well as scientifically based information to provide you with all the tools you need to meet your goals and achieve lasting health, peace, and joy.

Browsing through the posts, you will find articles on nutrition, meditation, yoga, exercise, and general life inspiration. All of these subjects are a product of Wholistic Joy Wellness, an integrative coaching model.



What is Wholistic Joy Wellness?

This business grew out of the belief that optimal health, wellness, and joyful living cannot be achieved by simply looking at one facet of our lives. Rather, it is important to look across our lives, to implement different practices in order to not only promote healing, but to transform our lives toward living with peace and joy.  

I truly believe that nutrition plays a significant role in our mental health, that incorporating movement into our lives is vital to finding joy, and that making space for stillness promotes peace and contentment.  Life coaching, tailored to meet your specific needs, supported by the tools of nutrition counselling, yoga, and meditation, will help guide you to live your very best life, as an expression of your very best self.  

For the changes you choose and the changes you don’t

This approach is perfect for anyone who is looking to make some changes in their life, from improving physical health, managing weight, increasing joy, finding peace. It is also for those who have found themselves dealing with change they did not choose. If you are in a season of life that has thrown you off center, this approach can help you find your peace and joy again.

Reach out to make enquiries:   wholisticjoywellness@gmail.com  

Or visit the website:   wholisticjoywellness.com