Joyful Living

Who’s In Charge? The Kids Of Course

This morning I decided to try out a new routine. The plan was to get up nice and early, around 5:30 or 6 o’clock, a good hour and a half before Maya, my one-year-old daughter, wakes up. Of course I hadn’t taken into account our super squeaky stairs. The squeak-factor is not something new, but rather a fact of life we have been dealing with since she was born…

What Does Your Ideal Day Look Like?

I don’t know about you, but there are so many things I would love to accomplish in my day and week. However, for many reasons, some of which I have to take full responsibility for and others are beyond my control, I accomplish very few of them…

What Season Of Life Are You In?

What season of life are you currently in? Is life sailing along smoothly? Are you
in a state of limbo? Or perhaps you are in a particularly challenging period of life? No matter which it is, it is easy to slip into believing that wherever you are is permanent. Right? Maybe its just me… I can easily remember the darkest periods of my life feeling as if there was no way out. Alternatively, the good days felt so easy to hold onto…