What Season Of Life Are You In?

What season of life are you currently in? Is life sailing along smoothly? Are you
in a state of limbo? Or perhaps you are in a particularly challenging period of life?

No matter which it is, it is easy to slip into believing that wherever you are is permanent. Right? Maybe its just me… I can easily remember the darkest periods of my life feeling as if there was no way out. Alternatively, the good days felt so easy to hold onto.

Unless you’re a psychic or something, for the most part we cannot predict when a season is going to end; we cannot see what’s coming, what event is going to shift gears for us. And, in the absence of foresight, can you blame yourself for feeling as if you are stuck where you are?!

But… (and I guess this applies more to those who are struggling a bit or would like to be in a different season)… if you think back over the last few weeks, months or years, can you not see how easily and quickly things can change? Surely this serves as evidence that, in some time, this season shall in fact make space for a new one.

Speaking for myself, if I look back over even the last 5 years, I have truly seen a plethora seasons. Care to journey back with me?

Season 1: The One With The New Love

Around 5 years ago, I was in a blissful season. I was dating my now husband, Derek, working as a radio producer – a job I never saw coming, but freaking LOVED. I was living by myself in an apartment that I owned, which was half a km from the ocean and 1km from the mountain. Pretty awesome right? Somewhere in this bubble, Derek proposed (fire up the joy even more), and we got married. Dreams coming true all around.

Season 2: The One With The Big Scary Plane

Very quickly, the next season arrived. Within a year, Derek got a job at CNN and we were making our plans to move to Atlanta, USA. I guess I should have mentioned that I am from Cape Town, South Africa, and this is where this bliss went down. I supported Derek’s career 100%, but that didn’t make the decision to move any easier. I love my family so much and the thought of leaving them on the wrong side of the Atlantic was totally ridiculous. I loved Cape Town – I mean how many places can you live where you get ocean and mountain right on your doorstep?! My job wasn’t perfect, but I was on a path, which I now had to say goodbye to. And of course, having lived in Cape Town for almost my entire life, I had developed friendships that evolved over years. Priceless.

I vividly remember the day I got on the plane to move. Derek was already in Atlanta, so it was just me. Taking those steps away from my mom and through security were the most unnatural steps I have ever taken. Everything in me was begging to stay, but my love was there. I had to go.

It sucked for a long time. To make matters worse, my family was going through a really tough time, I couldn’t find work, and we suffered a very traumatic miscarriage.

The blissful season was dead and buried. Welcome to the dark.

Season 3: The One With All The Down Dogs

But despite the fact that, in those months, I could not see any light, this season too passed and I found stability and contentment again.

I discovered a regular yoga practice, did my teacher training course and began teaching full time. I serendipitously found myself in a community where I felt supported, cared for and happy. I was doing a job I found surprisingly fulfilling and thankfully my family was back on track again. Not quite as blissful, but pretty close.

And welcome to the present day…

I gave birth to our baby daughter, Maya Sophia, on February 28 2017. I absolutely loved my pregnancy and, in retrospect, I think those 8.5 months were the highlight of season 3. What an extraordinary blessing. But with the beauty of becoming a mom, come a lot of new challenges.

And so I find myself in a whole new season – season number 4 since 2014.

Season 4: The One Where Someone Calls Me “Mom”

Currently I find myself in a season different to any other I have experienced. I have taken on this hugely significant role of “mom”, which brings with it a whole new identity. Along with this new identity, ironically comes an enormous identity crisis. Who am I now and how do I locate the “old Tara” while still respectfully and lovingly growing my new mom identity?

The point of all of this is that, no matter what season of life you are currently in, do not give up hope. The universe has a way of surprising us – as life has repeatedly shown, right? A new season could quite literally start tomorrow.

So, if you are sailing along under a sunny sky, breathe in every moment. you deserve each one of these joyful, content breaths.

And if you have found yourself in a somewhat more cloudy climate, believe that where you are is exactly where you are supposed to be right now, but it will shift in time. After all, it is not a secret that nothing lasts forever. Hang tight my friend…this too shall pass.

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