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My Journey From Miscarriage To Birth

We may not have held our baby, but we dreamed of it. We may not have kissed our baby, but we imagined it. We may not have watched our baby grow up, but we longed for it. The physical size of our lost child may have been tiny, but the fantasies we had for who he or she would be were enormous. With the silence of the doppler, came the silencing of those dreams…

My Top Tips For Flying With A Baby

As a parent you know that, if your child finds a “game” that keeps him/her occupied for longer than a minute, never mess with it. At some point during this last flight, the “game” for Maya was to repeatedly put in and pull out rice cakes from my cleavage. I was getting completely covered in sticky crumbs, but she was content and I could sit still. Have to pick your battles…

The Importance Of Letting Go Of Your Goal

Are you currently working on something big? Training for something, starting a business, pursuing a new project? How attached are you to your goal? This may sound ridiculous, but your attachment to your goal may be something that is getting in the way of your happiness and success. Letting go may be the secret to your success. Read more to find out why…

Getting Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night: How We Found Our Sleep Strategy

For over 10 months, I never slept longer than 2, maybe 3 hour stretches on a good night, sometimes nursing Maya 8 or 9 times a night, other times rocking her for over an hour. I cried almost every day and felt like a complete failure as a mom. Now she sleeps 12 hours without a peep, naps twice a day for over an hour each time, and puts herself to sleep happily every time. Still feels like a miracle. Read more to see what we did…

Start An At Home, Beginner Yoga Practice in Just 8 Simple Steps

A home yoga practice is never going to be the same as an energetic studio yoga session, but it is not meant to be. And, with a few adaptations, focuses and mental shifts, you can create something that is beautifully special for you in its own unique way. You won’t believe the difference that merely 10 minutes of yoga a day can do for your mind, body and soul…

Your Intention For The Week… acknowledge and name your fears

In the back of my mind, there were 2 things causing me a lot of anxiety. Deep down I knew what they were, but I had never paused and named them before. Up until this moment, these fears had remained tightly locked away in a box labelled DENIAL. However, I could feel these fears building up stronger and taller barriers to my own success and joy. I had to admit to them in order to destroy their power over me…

CNN Meteorologist, Derek Van Dam, Talks To Us About Earth Day

DYK there is a garbage patch in the ocean that is 3x the size of France?! CNN Meteorologist, Derek Van Dam, shares his thoughts and info on Earth Day 2018 in 4 short video clips…

How To Make A Small Difference This Earth Day

This Earth Day is all about being more aware of our insane plastic usage and trying to cut back where we can. One thing that really grates my cheese is the amount of plastic water bottles we all use. I, too, am guilty of it as sometimes it is just far more convenient…

How To Pick Yourself Up When Your Mood Is Quickly Falling

For as long as I can remember, every time I felt down, sad, or stressed, my mom has always had the answer. “Just go for a run,” I hear her say. Argh…this makes me want to smack her pretty face. Who on earth wants to go running when they’re feeling miserable…

Why Is Your 1 Year Old Throwing Tantrums? And how to handle it…

Our toddlers are still so little, but in a lot of ways they are fast developing their independent minds. And with that desire for independence comes a frustrating conflict between the desire and the capabilities needed to fulfil it…